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Happy folding around monads in Haskell

Folds are complicated themselves, but monadic folds always have blown my mind. In what follows, I try to dissect foldlM for a specific example.

Monadic folds can be used to perform a series of actions that depend on the previous output. The following function produces an action b from a value a also taking into account the output of the previous action b.

f :: (b -> a -> m b)

And here the definition of foldlM (which is the same as foldM).

foldlM :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (b -> a -> m b) -> b -> t a -> m b
foldlM f z0 xs = foldr f' return xs z0
  where f' x k z = f z x >>= k

Let’s have a look at an example. The following function performs n jumps of a Markov chain starting from a given State s (an integer) according to a transition probability matrix ProbMatrix p (don’t worry about the state space, or the state space size, it does not matter). At the moment, I am not sure how to access or store the actual chain. This could be done by an equivalent of scanl for general monads, which I was unable to find.

jumpN :: (Monad m) => State -> ProbMatrix -> Int -> m State
jumpN s p n = foldM jump s (replicate n p)

jump :: (Monad m) => State -> ProbMatrix -> m State

And specifically, with p being any transition probability matrix

jumpN 0 p 2 = foldM jump 0 [p, p]

Now we use the definition of foldM

jumpN 0 p 2 = foldr f' return [p, p] 0
  where f' x k z = jump z x >>= k

which leads to

jumpN 0 p 2 = f' p (foldr f' return [p]) 0
            = f' p (f' p (foldr f' return []) 0
            = f' p (f' p (return)) 0
            = f' p (f' p return) 0
            = jump 0 p >>= (f' p return)

And finally, we got what we wanted. This is the first time, that we see that first, we perform a jump from zero and use the output to feed it to the next jump.

jumpN 0 p 2 = jump 0 p >>= (f' p return)
            = do
            s' <- jump 0 p
            f' p return s'
            = do
            s' <- jump 0 p
            (jump s' p >>= return)
            = do
            s'  <- jump 0  p
            s'' <- jump s' p
            return s''

Holy crap, I am not sure if understanding this was worth the pain :-).