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Algebraic graphs

The Algebraic Graphs Haskell library (Alga) is a fast, minimalist, and elegant approach to working with graphs that allows for equational reasoning about the correctness of algorithms. For reference, please also see the accompanying paper.

The advantages are:

A directed graph in the mathematical sense is a set \(V\) of vertices \(v_i\) together with a set \(E\) of directed edges \((v_i, v_j)\), and is denoted \((V,E)\). The beauty about algebraic graphs is that they are not defined explicitly by lists of vertices and edges but in a recursive manner, similar to the definition of algebraic trees.

data Graph a = Empty
  | Vertex a
  | Overlay (Graph a) (Graph a)
  | Connect (Graph a) (Graph a)

A graph is either empty ε, consists of a single vertex v, or it is somehow constructed by a combination of two sub-graphs using the binary construction operators Overlay \((+)\) or Connect \((*)\).

The algebraic properties of the the Graph data type are collected in a type class which is also called Graph.

class Graph g where
  type Vertex g
  empty :: g
  vertex :: Vertex g -> g
  overlay :: g -> g -> g
  connect :: g -> g -> g

The definition involves a type synonym family, which is a function on the type level. The type synonym family specifies how the type of a vertex can be extracted from the data type instance.

A valid Graph instance should fulfill the following laws:

This structure is very close to an idempotent semiring. The differences are:

Further, we have the decomposition law:

\begin{align} x \ast y \ast z = x \ast y + x \ast z + y \ast z. \end{align}

The strong decomposition law is a sufficient condition to induce the following statements.

The binary operators \(+\) and \(\ast\) are closed, and together with \(\epsilon\) and \(v\), algebraic graphs are complete. In particular, we cannot create algebraic graphs that are not graphs in the mathematical sense, and all graphs can be represented using algebraic graphs.

The construction of a specific graph is not identifiable. Similar to \(8=5+3\) and \(8=4+4\), we can generate a graph by choosing two difference bipartitions and overlay them. More basic, \( \forall x \in G\) we have

\begin{align} x = x \ast \epsilon. \end{align}

The canonical form of a given graph \(g = (V_g, E_g)\) is

\begin{align} g = \sum_{v \in V_g} v + \sum_{(u,v) \in E_g} u \ast v. \end{align}

We can define a partial order on graphs by

\begin{align} x \le y \iff x + y = y. \end{align}

This is exactly the usual definition of a sub graph.

\begin{align} x \subseteq y \equiv x + y = y. \end{align}

A graph instance, additionally having multiplicative commutativity

\begin{align} x \ast y = y \ast x \end{align}

represents an undirected graph. In this case, the strong decomposition law also induces associativity of \(\ast\).

The algebraic way of thinking about graphs and how to manipulate them was new to me. Nonsense graph objects cannot be created at all, and so, an important source of bugs is eliminated. This principle is an excellent example of the dogma parse, don’t validate, for which Haskell forms an excellent framework.