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Encyclopedia of Markov chain Monte Carlo methods

I started this encyclopedic overview because in the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) community many people call the same or similar concepts by very different names. Please let me know, if you have suggestions or comments, or if you would like to add some definitions or synonyms to this overview.




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Necessary definitions

Elementary updates are instructions about how to advance a Markov chain so that it possibly reaches a new state. That is, elementary updates specify how the chain traverses the state space. Elementary updates cannot be decomposed into smaller updates.

Elementary updates can be combined to form composite updates, a technique often referred to as composition. We use the word update to refer to either an elementary or a composite update.

Updates can also be executed in random order, a technique often referred to as mixture. Here, the word mixture is used in the sense of mixture models, and not in the sense of a chain reaching convergence.

The composition and mixture of elementary updates allows the specification of all (Is this true?, Please correct me if it is not.) MCMC algorithms involving a single chain. In particular, Gibbs samplers of all sorts can be specified using this procedure.

Roughly, a Markov kernel is a map describing the probability density (for continuous spaces) or the probability mass (for discrete spaces) of updating one state to another.

The Metropolis-Hasings-Green algorithm specifies the acceptance probability of updates so that the stationary distribution of the resulting Markov chain is the desired posterior distribution.

Many methods to improve convergence of MCMC samplers have been designed. Most notably, we have methods involving auxiliary variables and population based methods running various MCMC samplers in parallel.

Unnecessary synonyms

Metropolis update
Update with uniform Markov kernel.
Metropolis-Hastings update
Update with arbitrary Markov kernel.

Unnecessary synonyms and special cases of Metropolis-Hastings-Green MCMC methods

Fixed scan algorithm
MCMC sampler involving composition.
Random scan algorithm
MCMC sampler involving mixture.
Random sequence scan algorithm
MCMC sampler involving composition and mixture.
Gibbs update
Update with Metropolis-Hastings ratio of 1.0. That is, Gibbs updates are always accepted. Gibbs updates can be designed using conditional Markov kernels.
Gibbs sampler
MCMC sampler in which all of the elementary updates are Gibbs, combined either by composition (fixed scan), by mixture (random scan), or both (random sequence scan).
Metropolis algorithm
MCMC sampler in which all of the elementary updates are Metropolis, combined either by composition, mixture, or both (and the same “scan” terminology is used).
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
MCMC sampler in which all of the elementary updates are Metropolis-Hastings, combined either by composition, mixture, or both (and the same “scan” terminology is used).
Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler
The same as the preceding item. This name makes no sense at all since Gibbs is a special case of Metropolis-Hastings.
Independence Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
Special case of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in which the Markov kernel does not depend on the current state: \(q(x, \cdot)\) does not depend on \(x\).
Random-walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
Special case of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm in which the proposal has the form \(x+e\), where \(e\) is stochastically independent of the current state \(x\), so \(q(x, y\) has the form \(f(y-x)\).
Reversible jump MCMC algorithm
MCMC sampler including updates between different models possibly having a different set of parameters. However, these updates are in no way special.

Special cases of auxiliary variable MCMC methods

Special cases of population based MCMC methods


A. {Doucet} and A. M. {Johansen} (2011). {A tutorial on particle filtering and smoothing: fifteen years later}, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Andrieu, Christophe and Doucet, Arnaud and Holenstein, Roman (2010). Particle Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.

Bouchard-Côté, Alexandre and Sankararaman, Sriram and Jordan, Michael I. (2012). Phylogenetic inference via sequential monte carlo.

Chopin, N. and Jacob, P. E. and Papaspiliopoulos, O. (2012). SMC2: an efficient algorithm for sequential analysis of state space models.

Del Moral, Pierre and Doucet, Arnaud and Jasra, Ajay (2006). Sequential Monte Carlo samplers.

Geyer, Charles J (2011). {Introduction to Markov Chain Monte Carlo}, CRC press.

Heng, Jeremy and Bishop, Adrian N. and Deligiannidis, George and Doucet, Arnaud (2020). Controlled sequential Monte Carlo.

Liang, Faming and Liu, Chuanhai and Carroll, Raymond (2011). Advanced Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: learning from past samples, John Wiley \& Sons.

Mathieu Fourment and Brian C. Claywell and Vu Dinh and Connor McCoy and Frederick A. Matsen IV and Aaron E. Darling (2018). Effective online bayesian phylogenetics via sequential monte carlo with guided proposals.

Brooks, Steve and Gelman, Andrew and Jones, Galin and Meng, Xiao-Li (2011). {Handbook of Markov Chain Monte Carlo}, CRC press.

Arnaud Doucet and Nando de Freitas and Neil Gordon (2001). Sequential Monte Carlo Methods in Practice, Springer.

Vu Dinh and Aaron E Darling and Frederick A Matsen IV (2018). Online Bayesian phylogenetic inference: theoretical foundations via sequential Monte Carlo.

Walter R. Gilks and Carlo Berzuini (2001). Following a Moving Target-Monte Carlo Inference for Dynamic Bayesian Models.