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Syncthing with SSH Port Forwarding


Recently, I have explained how to configure BitTorrent Sync over an SSH SOCKS proxy. However, due to various problems with BTSync, I tried Syncthing and I am very satisfied with it.

Advantages that I have experienced so far:

Disadvantages that I have experienced so far:

The general setup is very well explained on the project homepages:

However, I have the problem, that my computer at work (clientA) is behind a firewall and not exposed to the public. In order to circumvent the firewall, we need a clientB that has full internet access, runs an SSH server and is accessible by clientA; then we can set up SSH such that it forwards connection requests from clientA to the outside and the other way around; check it out.

The idea

We will use SSH port forwarding to map a port on clientA (let it be port 22111) to a port on the NAT router at my.router.hostname (here I will use port 22222). The router has to redirect the port to the clientC that listens for incoming connections at this specific port with Syncthing (port 20000 here).

In more detail, after the configuration below, the port localhost:22111 on clientA will point to a random port on clientB. There, the SSH server redirects the traffic to another random outgoing port and forwards it to my.router.hostname:22222. You still need to setup your router so that it forwards incoming connections to clientC:20000 (many router port forwarding tutorials are available online).

This way, we can circumvent the firewall that prevents direct access to my.router.hostname:22222.

The setup

In order for this to work, you need SSH access from clientA to clientB (let’s assume that your user name is user). clientB needs to run an SSH server and have full access to the internet.

The forwarding from clientA to the router at my.router.hostname is done by the following SSH command:

ssh -N -vvv -L 22111:my.router.hostname:22222 user@clientB
Do not open an interactive session (no commands can be entered at prompt).
Increase verbosity to a high level, so that you can debug problems if you have any (can be removed later).
This tells SSH to use the SSH server at clientB to map the local (-L) port 22111 on the client that runs the SSH command (in this case clientA) to port 22222 on my.router.hostname. Hence, if localhost:22111 is accessed at clientA, it gets forwarded to the NAT router which in turn has to be set up to forward incoming requests at port number 22222 to , e.g., clientC:22000.

It is important to notice that the forwarding specification (for both, local and remote forwards) consists of 3 parts p1:host:p2. p1 is the port on the client that executes the SSH command; host is the host seen from the SSH server (e.g., clientB) and not from the client executing the command; p2 is the port on host seen from the SSH server. I.e., ssh -L 123:localhost:456 ssh_server forwards port 123 on the client executing the SSH command to port 456 on ssh_server.

Test the setup

The setup can be tested very easily and efficiently with the following method (this method can also be used with other software or ports).

  1. Close all running Syncthing processes on both sides.
  2. Tell clientC to listen on port 22000 by running nc -l -p 22000 on clientC.
  3. Access port 22111 on clientA by running nc -v localhost 22111 on clientA.
  4. Type some stuff into the terminal at clientA and hope that it is printed at clientC.

If everything works, you can remove the -vvv flag, add a -q flag which tells SSH to be quiet and run the SSH port forwarding at boot.

ssh -N -q -L 22111:my.router.hostname:22222 user@clientB

A good blog article about port forwarding.

Furthermore, the port forwarding has to be started before Syncthing starts, otherwise there be dragons. I have written a small script that waits some time to start the port forwarding as well as a script that does the same for syncthing.service and syncthing-inotify.service.

Remote port forwarding

Furthermore, if you want to reach clientA from home, remote port forwarding can also be done. However, I did not need this and did not follow it up, e.g.:

ssh -N -q -R 22000:localhost:22200 clientB

This would tell clientB to forward incoming requests at port 22200 to the client that executes the SSH command; in this case, clientA. Take care, GatewayPorts has to be set to yes.

Amazing stuff

Something to think about: Assume a working SSH server on clientC that is accessible by clientA (maybe only via clientB). Suppose, that the IP address of the router is (seen from clientC; local area network). What does the following command (executed on clientA) achieve?

ssh -L 12345: clientC

Try to access localhost:12345 in your browser at clientA and watch the pure awesomeness!